Let's see, we moved (back) to Florida. Although I didn't really want to move, it was very necessary. We moved because my mother-in-law was terminally ill and needed 24-hour care. Little did I know that merely one week after we arrived she would go on to heaven. It has been hard dealing with death in such a very real, and close way. I know the only thing promised in Christianity is that we will some day go on to be with our Father in Heaven. Having never been so close to death and now having to support my husband losing his mother has been a tough road, but God made me strong enough to be his rock. I'm not perfect but I try my best to be there for him when he needs me.
The move has been quite bitter sweet in death I have learned that there is life. I die daily to myself that God may place his spirit within me to live like Him. But in the death of the flesh, I have learned that a new spiritual life can begin. We also learned that we are expecting yet again. Many do not know this but I had baby blues and we were not trying to have a baby, but we weren't going to prevent it either. A month after my mother-in-laws struggle ended and just days before my birthday we learned we were going to be blessed with another life. Another soldier in the army of the Lord. This brings on a new journey that we are so willing and eager to be apart of. I will update frequently on how things are going. For now I can say that all is well, baby is healthy and last we checked has a heartbeat of 156 bpm. God is truly Good!
2011 is here and while I have never made resolutions I have given myself some realistic goals for the year:
- Get enrolled back in school by February and attempt to FINISH THIS YEAR!
- Monitor and control weight gain in this pregnancy by not eating unhealthily
- Lose all pregnancy weight and continue my weight loss journey after baby is born
- Find a church home for the family ( which brings up another issue that I will address later)
- Continue to decrease our financial debt
- Find a way to effectively be a mom and cleaning lady (my favorite job ;-] )
- Take better care of our hair (the girls and I are doing 30 day challenge to see how long we can grow our hair)
Next time on Kristian, Kooking, Kleaning and Kids we're going to focus on the Kooking and Kleaning. I'll have healthy recipes my family enjoys and tips on how I'm maintaining house.
'Til next time ~ Be Blessed